Thursday, August 18, 2011

Extreme Mega Wedding Update Extraordinaire!!!

There has been a distinct lack of update on this blog. This is due in part to my internet going all berserk and not wanting to work and also to the fact that I got married over the weekend and then went on my honeymoon. That's right, you heard me. He liked it so he put a ring on it. But I am home now and this malarkey will indeed stop tonight. So I will bring the four followers I have up to date. 

I was married in Sullivan, IN on August 13th around 6ish in my grandfathers back yard. The ceremony only lasted about 3 mins. It sounds ludicrous, but it was exactly how we wanted it. We walked down the aisle to Isreal Kamakawiwo'ole's cover of "Somewhere the Rainbow". I was so nervous I barely heard it. Luckily, I had some kick ass bridesmaids who made some serious time down that aisle. I didn't want any of that sauntering shit. If you haven't heard this amazingly beautiful cover, get to love it. It's beautiful and happy, but there is a note in his voice that also makes it seem kind of melancholy. I heard my dad cuing it up to make sure it would play properly before the wedding, while I was getting ready and almost burst into tears. It didn't help that I was dictating my vows to one of my bridesmaids, Sara, at the time. She's got a blog over at Go check it out. 

The wedding and reception was honestly kind of a blur. I wanted to talk to more people and mingle, but it felt like it went by so quickly.  There were a lot of pictures but so far I only have a few good ones to upload. That awkward walking man in the grey suit is my dad. I am the one with the top hat, and that hot piece of ass in the red tie and button boutonniere is my husband, Matt. I wonder, do you capitalize husband? Like a state?

Most laid back wedding....EVER.
It still hasn't really kicked in and to be honest, it's been an awkward transitional phase. I am a wife. I am someones wifey. It is a concept I haven't fully wrapped my brain around or appreciated yet. Jeff Bridges was on that stupid Pierce Morgan CNN show last week. I usually skip right over that shit but I love me some Jeff Bridges, even if he is pushing an album. He was talking about how he was terrified before he got married. He said that if if the common conception is that death is the final chapter in our existence, then marriage is a giant leap towards that final stage (death) by choosing to only be with one person for the rest of your life. So being afraid of marriage, is really being afraid of death. Pretty insightful for The Dude

Stephen Colbert thinks you have aged well, my son.

This has put things into perspective. Death is a scary thing, but we don't go around dwelling on it in our daily lives, unless we are a 14yr. old emo kid or insane. So being afraid of intimacy is ridiculous. It will take some time for me getting totally comfortable with it, but I know that Matt is the elusive "One". I am not scared of divorce. I am scared of finality. I was told so many times that nothing will change after marriage and in a big way, it's true. But there is a tugging feeling in my gut. Not a bad, nervous feeling. Just a difference. I don't feel it superficially, but it's telling me that things are just beginning and are going to be quite interesting, and different from being a selfish 20-something with no discernible life skills or ambition of any kind. 

The honeymoon was a blast, too. It went by so quick! We went to a resort town called French Lick. We stayed in a beautiful cottage, gambled, drank, danced, ate at quaint little restaurants and shopped. It was a lot of fun. And weird to think it is over. A year of planning for a couple little days. That's hard to grasp, too. Not that getting married was anti-climactic....except it kind of was. It went by so fast. A beautiful and carefree celebration of our love and now it's back to reality. Not that I am complaining. I was getting a bit homesick in French Lick. I missed my cat, my home and my friends.  

I will be adding more pictures as they become available to me, but for now this is what I got. I have not forgotten you, blogosphere. Life simply got in the way for awhile. Kind of pesky how it does that, huh?

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