Friday, October 14, 2011

Geocaching: Pray No One Left a Meth Needle

Sara, Matthew and I have been doing this thing called Geocaching. It's a lot of fun and it has turned an otherwise boring Midwestern town into a treasure hunt. The basic idea is someone leaves a box or a "cache" in a secret location and puts something inside of it. A logbook, and maybe some small tradable items.Then posts the location online only using GPS coordinates. People copy the coordinates and go off with their trusty GPS in hopes of finding some treasure.  

There was even one right in my front yard off my dock and I didn't know. Something comes to mind. I have never shared my beautiful view with the world. Well here you go. My wonderful view.

But the game is kind of addictive. We've only found a few, but there are plenty just in this town. The trick is finding them. Some are extremely well hidden. Take for example, this:

Or sometimes they are creative hiding places you never would have thought to look. Like this:

 And finally, some of the ones we have found:

our names on the geocache website are October_Rayne, Chainchomp_7 and betty_rocca

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