Monday, October 3, 2011

Lord Give Me Strength

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference. 

This has been going through my head a lot lately. There are certain people in my life that drive me up a fucking wall. There is an retarded amount of pressure, judgement, snide remarks, and an overwhelming sense that at any given moment I could be driven to a very satisfying double homicide and subsequently jail. But, the source of my ass boils are relatives. I could not turn my back on them let alone murder them (No matter how satisfying the fantasies may be).

After a particularly nasty run in today, I am ruffled and in tears, but I learned that people aren't all fucking assholes. And even if they are mostly assholes, they still have the capacity to be a little less awful than usual from time to time.