Sunday, September 11, 2011

Early Times+HDMI Cable=Big Screen Movie Magic Adventure

Watching Marble Hornets again on the big screen. It's amazing what you miss on a monitor. Lights out, big bowl of popcorn, best friends and shitty liquor makes for an amazing Saturday night. And yes, while everyone is watching the show I am here dear followers. Updating you on the mundane. My posts have gotten kind of lazy lately, haven't they? I will have to remedy that. If people have the decency to take the time out of their day to read this bullshit, the least I can do is put some lurve into it.

On a completely unrelated  note, I made another trip to Goodwill for books. I am almost done with one called, "Mr. Darcy, Vampyre". It's not by the same guy who wrote "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"(which is fabulous by the by. You can't go wrong with ninja's, zombies and British period pieces) or "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter" . But none the less, it's pretty entertaining. It's not a demanding read. It is, however, lush and descriptive in its portrait of the lives of the aristocracy of the time. It's almost mouth watering. The other two books I got were also period pieces. One is called "The Dante Club" and the other "Dark Angels". Maybe some of you are noticing a theme here. The short answer is "yes". The long answer is "go fuck yourself, I like what I like and half of North America can't even be bothered to read. Don't judge me, you arrogant asshole".  

So good night/morning/afternoon to the readers I have. I hope you have a pleasant Sunday. I will spend mine watching the season finale of True Blood with Matthew.

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