Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wearing a hole

I am getting stale. Haven't showered today (fuck off, I did last night) and I am still in my lady boxers and TMNT t-shirt. Donatello is my favorite. Mathew concurs. We high fived. 

...........I need to get out of the house. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Do You Remember...

Matthew and I where feeling particularly nostalgic and started talking about our childhood. We are the children of the 90's. Terrifying, I know. There are numerous videos typifying our childhood. It's limiting to be sure, but also nostalgic. Here is what we finally came up with after much debate. Add anything else from your childhood, 90's or otherwise. 
  1. Space Jam
  2. Mario 64
  3. Jelly flip-flops
  4. Friends
  5. Doug
  6. Jurassic Park
  7. Are You Afraid of the Dark
  8. The Simpsons
  9. The OJ Simpson Trial
  10. Toy Story
  11. Pokémon
  12. WWE ( When it was still called WWF)
  13. JonBenét Ramsey
  14. Goosebumps
  15. Power Rangers
  16. Legend of the Secret Temple
  17. Princess Diana
  18. Ren and Stimpy
  19. Rocko's Modern Life
  20. Animaniacs
  21. When the Disney Channel was the shit
  22. Fraggle Rock
  23. Ahh! Real Monsters
  24. Clarissa Explains it All
  25. Nickelodeon
  26. Mary Kate and Ashley Olson straight to VHS movies
  27. VHS
  28. The Tick
  29. Johnny Bravo
  30. Keenan and Kel
  31. All That
  32. "Oregon Trail" day in class
  33. Bringing the plastic lunchbox to school (The smelly kids had brown bags or reduced lunch)
  34. Slip 'N Slide
  35.  Beanie Babies
  36. Tomigotchi's
  37. Jitter Ring
  38. The Spice Girls
  39. Backstreet Boys
  40. Britney Spears
  41. Blink 182
  42. Razor Scooter
  43. Chicago Bulls being the best team EVER
  44. The Skip It
  45. Walkman
  46. Duck Hunt
  47. Bill Nye the Science Guy
  48. MST3K
  49. Double Dare
  50. Light up sneakers
  51. Nick Arcade
  52. Deejay Alice-Better off alone
  53.  Gameboy
  54. Y2K
  55. Bill Clinton got a BJ
  56. Pog's
  57. Ferbies
  58. Where's Waldo?
  59. Clueless
  60. Troll Dolls
  61. My Little Pony
  62. Hula Hoop
  63. The Scrunchie
  64. Ring Pops
  65. S Club 7
  66. McDonald's PlayPlace
  67. Polly Pocket
  68. The X-Files
  69. Aqua
  70. Bop
  71. American Gladiators
  72. Bevis and Butthead
  73. Mood Rings
  74. Daria
  75. Push Pops
  76. Jerry Springer
  77. Duck Tales
  78. The Babysitter's Club
  79. Crystal Pepsi
  80. Napster
  81. Magic 8 ball
  82. Roller Blading
  83. Tie Dye
  84. Acid wash jeans
  85. Tickle Me Elmo
  86. Warheads
  87. Captain Planet
  88. Mortal Kombat
  89. Arcades
  90. Ending every sentence with the word "Psyche!"
  91. Bobby's World
  92. "Talk to the hand (Because the face aint' listening')
  93. "Who loves orange soda"
  94. Saved by the Bell
  95. Home Improvement
  96. Boy Meets World
  97. The Dinosaurs 
  98. The Simpsons
  99. Batman the animated series
  100. Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby

Here is some extra stuff for you:

Blog of a Different Color

I have been getting over a cold recently, and as such have been mostly confined to my home for the past couple of weeks. It's been very lonely and suffocating. All I have right now are my books, the internet, the routine company of my husband and an occasional call or visit from a friend. I suppose it is not as bad as it sounds. As it is, I love my husband very much and would prefer no other company over his. My world has just gotten very small. This sounds very much like a sappy nineteenth century letter in a shitty paperback romance novel. So shall I shake it off? Yes, I guess I should.

I know I had promised to write, but I have become pretty dull lately. I wish I had a reader or two more to tell me what they want to hear about. Who they would like me to slander or otherwise tarnish. Or at the very least, challenge me to an online duel of rhetoric to the death. It makes my heart happy. One of my friends writes a blog of a different color. She writes to rid herself of the anger and negativity in her life. It sounds pretty cathartic and almost entirely like something I never would have thought of. Only an asshole of my caliber would dream up perpetuating her cynicism and jaded douche-baggary by immortalizing it. What would that even be called? A self-deprecating asshole with a superiority complex (a.k.a. "The Buffy Complex")? That sounds about right.

I am on my next book, though. I finished that stupid "Pride and Prejudice" addendum. Don't you just fucking hate it when a book spends two hundred pages describing the finer points of traveling Europe, while also teasing the reader with the notion of hot vampire sex, to have the books namesake and selling appeal become irrelevent in the last five pages? Yeah, I fucking hate that shit. I am glad to have finished it, though. Now I can be sure to tell everyone I ever meet for the rest of my life to never read it. It will be a challenge, I imagine. But there has to be some kind of karmic payoff for that shit. Now I am on the tedious "Dante's Club". I am not going to lie. I have started this book at least four different times. I have only made it to the fourth or fifth page. It's so boring. But I was always the kind of person to give up if it didn't captivate my attention right away. I am trying to not be that person now. I will get though it. In time. Blah.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bad Girls Club Gets a Comic Book

So if anyone knows anything about this blog, they know I have a sick infatuation with a little show on Oxygen called "The Bad Girls Club." I don't know why. I offer no remorse, explanation or withdrawal. I will talk about this show. I will talk about the drunk awesomeness and giggle at the petty power struggles and fights. Girls blow my mind. 

Well, it looks as though I am not the only one. There is a comic-book out now, centered around the independent and unforgiving woman that the show tries to portray.  I am actually kind of excited. It wont last long, though. But it's an interesting concept.

Read it here.  

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Early Times+HDMI Cable=Big Screen Movie Magic Adventure

Watching Marble Hornets again on the big screen. It's amazing what you miss on a monitor. Lights out, big bowl of popcorn, best friends and shitty liquor makes for an amazing Saturday night. And yes, while everyone is watching the show I am here dear followers. Updating you on the mundane. My posts have gotten kind of lazy lately, haven't they? I will have to remedy that. If people have the decency to take the time out of their day to read this bullshit, the least I can do is put some lurve into it.

On a completely unrelated  note, I made another trip to Goodwill for books. I am almost done with one called, "Mr. Darcy, Vampyre". It's not by the same guy who wrote "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"(which is fabulous by the by. You can't go wrong with ninja's, zombies and British period pieces) or "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter" . But none the less, it's pretty entertaining. It's not a demanding read. It is, however, lush and descriptive in its portrait of the lives of the aristocracy of the time. It's almost mouth watering. The other two books I got were also period pieces. One is called "The Dante Club" and the other "Dark Angels". Maybe some of you are noticing a theme here. The short answer is "yes". The long answer is "go fuck yourself, I like what I like and half of North America can't even be bothered to read. Don't judge me, you arrogant asshole".  

So good night/morning/afternoon to the readers I have. I hope you have a pleasant Sunday. I will spend mine watching the season finale of True Blood with Matthew.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Marble Hornets; I Just Shat Myself

Couldn't sleep a few nights ago so I came to my computer at about 3:30 in the morning and began to wander the vast and strange beauty that is called internet. I came across this image on a image macro site.

I immediately looked it up. I am sorry I ever did. In the past couple days, my relationship with "Marble Hornets" has gone from non-existent to borderline obsessive. If you haven't seen it, don't do it. Seriously. It disturbed me to my core. I love horror movies and series, but this literally brought tears to my eyes. Here's the link: Don't click it .

It reminds me of "Paranormal Activity" or "The Blair Witch Project" except not retarded. My favorite part about it is that it spans beyond it's one YouTube channel. The series also has a Wiki page, a Twitter account, a forum dedicated to decoding and speculation, numerous spin off videos and series, a creepy uploader with cryptic messages and many blogs. It's very interactive and gives the viewer an added sense of dread and realism.

It centers around the uploader named J. The basic plot is:

"When a film student decides to look through the tapes of a canceled project his friend Alex had directed, and he had participated in, he discovers that his friends have been stalked by a paranormal entity known as the Operator and decides to get himself involved." (via imdb) 

The operator, is this guy: 

This show is also filled with code, hidden images and such. Much like Lost. Time and space is altered and videos are released out of order. The uploaders character isn't even exactly sure about the timeline in season 2.

The show is intense. If you want to watch it, I would do so on the wiki page, as the actual YouTube channel has adverts on it. The newest video just came out this morning. Enjoy!

I am done with the plugging.   

Monday, September 5, 2011

What Happens When I am Bored

It's amazing what some free time, a couple of beers and no microwave will drive a person to do. By the by, has anyone ever looked inside the bags of microwave popcorn? It's pretty gross. I think I might just switch to stovetop popcorn all together.

The Sims Social or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Internet

This is the game that has single handedly taken me away from my self imposed blogging duties. I have no need for your mortal emotions anymore. I am more than Man. I am Sim.

Seriously, these Facebook games are addictive. I find myself checking on Ellie every few hours and I can't leave the house for too long if I know my pumpkins will need harvesting. Sad, I know. But I am level 13. That means something, right? It's a false sense of identity and accomplishment. I know it's all bullshit, but it's designed to keep people coming back for more, and guess what? It works. I had to stop playing "Frontierville" for the same reason. My addictive personality switched on and I found myself on there at every opportunity, almost giving my credit card number and soul to Zynga. And yet here I am again, taking only this brief break from playing to tell the inter-webs about my playing. 

On an unrelated note and completely lazy segue, Labor Day is today. Summer is officially over. Now for the amaze-balls that is fall.  

I believe it's time to check on my pumpkins.