Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Dichotomy of Marrige

August 13th, 2011; A day that will be remembered for it's dichotomy as much as it's frigging awesome cupcake-cake. I say dichotomy for the following:

Getting married is pretty cool because:
  • I get to hang out with my best friend forever.
  • I will always have a traveling partner.
  • I will never have to sleep alone in a bed ever again.
  • He's going to be a chef and as such can cook like a champ.
  • We have the same taste in movies and television.
  • I have a dude who is not only a total cutie, but also thinks the sun shines out of my ass. I don't get it.
Getting married is terrifying because:

  • I have to stand up in front of a bunch of people for an extended amount of time to do it. (But, I get to do it with my BFF...yeah, I went there.)
  • We will ruthlessly fight and bicker on any trip we take together. (Then we will burst into laughter about how typical a fighting married couple is while traveling and be resigned to remedy it with a trip to the nearest bar.)
  • He hogs the covers. (But has some kind of witchcraft that causes him to be a human conductor of heat.)
  • He might make me super fat with his fantastic cooking. (I wont care. Being full of butter sauce = being full of win.)
  • We do NOT have the same taste in music and literature. (But I have discovered that some classic country music doesn't make me want to bash myself in the face with a hot iron.)
  • He thinks the sun shines out of my ass. I don't get it. (I really don't.)

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