Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Post Apocalypse Survival Plan

So, Sara and I have been watching " The Walking Dead" a lot lately. Having her around while watching it, I am noticing a bunch of inaccuracies in the program. Not just technical incontinuities but in the survival methods of the characters, as well. Her and I both have been fans of the undead for awhile, anyway. We both have garnered a pretty little book collection on the matter, and we both have (of course) our respective copies of "The Zombie Survival Guide."

So needless to say while watching the show, the subject of our usefulness arose. After examples on my living room floor about how slow we were, we concluded that we could not, in our present states survive very long in the event of a nightmare scenario. So something that I am calling The Post Apocalypse Survival Plan was born...well technically, it's still in labor. But the bitch is crowning, I can feel it.

We are starting out small. Running. Night running, to be precise. Well walking, then running. Hopefully there will be other things in the future and we stick to this first thing. We want to be the Sarah Connor of the zombie world. We want to be Buffy without all the whiny self-importance.

I am not sure how far this will go or what it will turn into, but I will update it here. There are a lot of things I would have like to have learned in the future, anyway. Now I have an excuse to get fit, look hot, and be a chick you don't want to fuck with. Here is an adapted list Sara found over at "The Post Apocalyptic Workout" blog. Her list was good, but certain things on it I can't be bothered with to learn. For example, CPR. Zombie Apocalypse+CPR= fuck all that shit. And Midwifery. Don't give a shit. No pregnant women allowed in my survival party. And if they are, I consider them fodder. *cue evil laughter*.  So here are some of the things I want to learn:

  • Losing weight (smaller = faster and less nummy human flesh to rip into)
  • Strength training (lifting my body weight up and weapon weilding)
  • Camp fire building and cooking
  • Learn how to ride a bike/motorcycle
  • Navigation without a map
  • Learn how to drive a manual 
  • Shooting/gun safety/maintenance
  • Hunting and fishing
  • traversing rocky terrain/rock climbing
  • Archery/crossbow skills
  • Horseback riding
  • Self-defense (Hand to hand combat)
  • Shelter building
  • learning how to purify water
  • knives/throwing/safety/tactics
I see these things as entirely useful skills to have, is not entirely essential if I want to survive Z-Day. So more research will be done, and we will beginning our long (hopefully) journey to self-sufficiency. More updates laterz.

Bonus: fun linkage!


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