Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Walking Dead Season 2

There have been a bunch of squee worthy sneak peeks coming out recently regarding season two of "The Walking Dead". The show had it's panel today at Comic-Con and revealed an awesome preview into what's going to be happening for the characters next season. Allies, secrets, separations, new characters, and of course enough zombietastic action to make your puny mortal head spin. 

Here's a rundown of the footage and photos that have been released thus far:

Pretty intense shit, right? There will be at least two new characters I can see from the preview.   One being this guy:

And the other being this girl right here:

Now bare in mind, I am one of the assholes who never read the graphic novels so I have no frame of reference. But these two people seem to live together in a farm house of some kind. The man looks familiar to me. Matt said he was some dude in "Judge Dredd" but I couldn't find anyone who looked like him. And I can't be bothered to watch any Stallone movie other than "Demolition Man". So if anyone knows this actors name, let me know.

The next one is an actual scene from season 2 where Rick Grimes bashes a couple of baddies heads in with a big fucking rock-caveman style:

This clip begs the question as to why he's alone in the woods killing zombies with only a fucking rock to his name...hmm.

Then there are the screenshots that were released recently revealed exclusively to different media outlets. The first of which is from THR. It shows Lori Grimes shushing Carol as they hide under the cars on the clogged highway from the zombie hoard.
Bitch, be cool!

The next one is from MTV. Norman "sexy ass" Reedus heads up the front of a traveling party, bad ass crossbow in hand.
I love me some Norman Reedus

The final screepcap comes from The Los Angeles Times. It appears the fucking RV broke down again and everyone is just standing around looking dramatically in different directions. It really doesn't matter at this point, though. Anyone who knows anything knows that you don't take a fucking camper on a highway after a zombie apocalypse....rookies.

Then there is the promo poster. The gang are on top of that fucking RV, trapped by a smelly rotting hoard.

The walking dead premiers October 16th on AMC at 9pm. Don't shit yourself in excitement, please.

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